// Highlight elements in frontend, if local storage variable is set.
jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
function is_enabled() {
if ( ! advads.supports_localstorage() || ! localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_picker' ) ) {
return false;
// Check if the frontend picker was started on the current blog.
if ( window.advads_options.blog_id
&& localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_blog_id' )
&& window.advads_options.blog_id !== localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_blog_id' ) ) {
return false;
// Deactivate the frontend picker if it was started more than 45 minutes ago.
if ( localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_starttime' )
&& parseInt( localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_starttime' ), 10 ) < (
new Date().getTime()
) - 45 * 60 * 1000 ) {
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_action' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_element' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_picker' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_prev_url' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_pathtype' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_boundary' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_blog_id' );
localStorage.removeItem( 'advads_frontend_starttime' );
advads.set_cookie( 'advads_frontend_picker', '', - 1 );
return false;
return true;
// only trigger if local storage is available
if ( is_enabled() ) {
var advads_picker_cur, advads_picker_overlay = jQuery( "
" ),
advads_picker_no = [document.body, document.documentElement, document];
advads_picker_overlay.css( {
position: 'absolute', border: 'solid 2px #428bca',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(66,139,202,0.5)', boxSizing: 'border-box',
zIndex: 1000000, pointerEvents: 'none'
} ).prependTo( 'body' );
if ( 'true' === localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_boundary' ) ) {
jQuery( 'body' ).css( 'cursor', 'not-allowed' );
* Check if we can traverse up the dom tree.
* We cannot use event delegation because:
* - the content can be loaded via AJAX dynamically
* - we cannot wrap the content in a `div` that represents post boundary
* because that may prevent css rules from working
* @param HTMLElement The current element.
* return bool
window.advads.is_boundary_reached = function ( advads_picker_cur ) {
if ( 'true' !== localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_boundary' ) ) {
return false;
$advads_picker_cur = jQuery( advads_picker_cur );
// A boundary helper is the `ins` element inside of the post content
// that is used to determine the post boundary (where the content starts and ends).
var $boundary_helpers = jQuery( '.advads-frontend-picker-boundary-helper' );
$boundaries = $boundary_helpers.parent();
$boundaries.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' );
return $advads_picker_cur.is( $boundaries ) || ! $advads_picker_cur.closest( $boundaries ).length;
if ( 'xpath' === localStorage.getItem( 'advads_frontend_pathtype' ) ) {
var fn = 'getXPath';
} else {
var fn = 'getPath';
jQuery( document ).mousemove( function ( e ) {
if ( e.target === advads_picker_cur ) {
if ( ~ advads_picker_no.indexOf( e.target ) ) {
advads_picker_cur = null;
var target = jQuery( e.target ),
offset = target.offset(),
width = target.outerWidth(),
height = target.outerHeight();
advads_picker_cur = e.target;
var path = jQuery( advads_picker_cur )[fn]();
if ( ! path ) {
// A click outside of the boundary.
// @see `is_boundary_reached`.
// log path
console.log( path );
advads_picker_overlay.css( {
top: offset.top,
left: offset.left,
width: width,
height: height
} ).show();
} );
// save on click
jQuery( document ).click( function ( e ) {
var path = jQuery( advads_picker_cur )[fn]();
if ( advads.is_boundary_reached( advads_picker_cur ) ) {
localStorage.setItem( 'advads_frontend_element', path );
window.location = localStorage.getItem( 'advads_prev_url' );
} );
} );
Derrived from jQuery-GetPath v0.01, by Dave Cardwell. (2007-04-27)
var path = $('#foo').getPath();
jQuery.fn.extend( {
getPath: function ( path, depth ) {
// The first time this function is called, path won't be defined.
if ( typeof path === 'undefined' ) {
path = '';
if ( typeof depth === 'undefined' ) {
depth = 0;
// If this element is we've reached the end of the path.
// also end after 2 elements
if ( this.is( 'html' ) ) {
return 'html > ' + path;
} else if ( 3 === depth ) {
return path;
// Add the element name.
var cur = this.get( 0 ).nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Determine the IDs and path.
var el_id = this.attr( 'id' ),
el_class = this.attr( 'class' );
depth = depth + 1;
// Add the #id if there is one. Ignore ID with number.
if ( typeof el_id !== 'undefined' && ! /\d/.test( el_id ) ) {
cur += '#' + el_id;
} else if ( typeof el_class !== 'undefined' ) {
// Add classes if there is no id.
el_class = el_class.split( /[\s\n]+/ );
// Skip classes with numbers.
el_class = jQuery.grep( el_class, function ( element, index ) {
return ! /\d/.test( element )
} );
// Add 2 classes.
if ( el_class.length ) {
cur += '.' + el_class.slice( 0, 2 ).join( '.' );
// add index if this element is not unique among its siblings
if ( this.siblings( cur ).length ) {
cur += ":eq(" + this.siblings( cur ).addBack().not( '#advads-picker-overlay' ).index( this ) + ")";
// Recurse up the DOM.
if ( path === '' ) {
return this.parent().getPath( cur, depth );
} else {
return this.parent().getPath( cur + ' > ' + path, depth );
* Get XPath.
getXPath: function ( path, depth ) {
// The first time this function is called, path won't be defined.
if ( typeof path === 'undefined' ) {
path = '';
if ( typeof depth === 'undefined' ) {
depth = 0;
// If this element is we've reached the end of the path.
// also end after 2 elements
if ( this.is( 'body' ) || 3 === depth ) {
return path;
if ( advads.is_boundary_reached( this ) ) {
return path;
// Add the element name.
var tag = this.get( 0 ).nodeName.toLowerCase();
var cur = tag;
// Determine the IDs and path.
var el_id = this.attr( 'id' ),
el_class = this.attr( 'class' );
var classes = [];
// Add the #id if there is one. Ignore ID with number.
if ( typeof el_id !== 'undefined' && ! /\d/.test( el_id ) ) {
return cur + '[@id and id="' + el_id + '"]/' + path;
} else if ( typeof el_class !== 'undefined' ) {
// Add classes if there is no id.
el_class = el_class.split( /[\s\n]+/ );
// Skip classes with numbers.
el_class = jQuery.grep( el_class, function ( element, index ) {
return ! /\d/.test( element )
} );
// Add 2 classes.
if ( el_class.length ) {
depth = depth + 1;
var classes = el_class.slice( 0, 2 );
var xpath_classes = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = classes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
xpath_classes.push( '(@class and contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " ' + classes[i] + ' "))' );
cur += '[' + xpath_classes.join( ' and ' ) + ']';
// Add index if this element is not unique among its siblings.
if ( classes.length ) {
var $siblings = this.siblings( tag + '.' + classes.join( '.' ) );
} else {
var $siblings = this.siblings( tag );
if ( $siblings.length ) {
var index = $siblings.addBack().not( '#advads-picker-overlay' ).index( this );
cur += '[' + index + ']';
// Recurse up the DOM.
if ( path === '' ) {
return this.parent().getXPath( cur, depth );
} else {
return this.parent().getXPath( cur + '/' + path, depth );
} );
Daftar Kelas X Tahun Ajar 2023 2024 – SMAN 17 BATAM